Olive Branch Theatricals Cultural Equity and Inclusion Statement Resolution
As outlined in Olive Branch Theatricals' mission statement and non-discrimination policy in effect since the 2018 founding of the organization, the following states our commitment to cultural equity and inclusion.
“At Olive Branch Theatricals, we strive to cast our shows and staff our artistic and technical teams without discrimination of race, creed, religion, age, or sexual orientation.
We believe theater is more than entertainment, it is a platform to educate, embrace diversity, and spark creativity. At Olive Branch Theatricals, we dedicate ourselves to the community by providing high-caliber productions and inspiring performers and audience members toward a passionate appreciation of the theatrical arts. We serve with respect, organization, accountability, inclusiveness, and a zeal for the community.
Olive Branch Theatricals is dedicated to the community by providing high-caliber theatrical productions, inclusive outreach programs, and experiences for individuals without access to quality theater. We serve with respect, organization, accountability, and a spirit of collaboration within the local arts community.
Olive Branch Theatricals, the Board of Directors, and Artistic Team staff shall not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender, age, nationality or disability in any of its activities or operations. These activities include, but are not limited to: hiring/firing; selection of volunteers/vendors; and the provision of services.
We are committed to providing an inclusive and welcoming environment for anyone associated with Olive Branch Theatricals.
All creative team members should be encouraged to think inclusively in regards to casting choices.”
Adopted Sep 25, 2024 by vote of Olive Branch Theatricals Board of Directors:
Musette Caing Hart, CEO
Timothy Hart, CFO
Victor Salazar, Secretary